Monday, August 08, 2016

Prayer: May The Lord Bless You and Direct Your Path


May The Lord bless and keep you ! Where there are two or more touching and agreeing in HIS name, God is in the midst working out HIS plan and manifesting HIS GLORY! It is an honor & privilege to serve The Lord!

May your barns and storehouses overflow with the matchless grace, power, glory, presence, joy, and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May The Lord bless your entrances and departures. May our Heavenly Father grant you favor and the desires of your heart that The Lord would be praised and glorified! 

May you be engulfed in HIS Presence and always remain assured of The Love of God that knows no depth, height, nor width! May HE anoint you and clear the path for you to do HIS Will! May The Lord charge HIS Angels to protect you from the attacks of the enemy Beloved of The Most High! 

May The Lord LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace as well as you and your loved ones now and forever! Blessings! 

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2016
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K.Mason (c) 2016

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