Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Prayer of Peace & Renewal 2021

  Christmas Prayer of Peace & Renewal 2021

"O' God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come."

As we embrace the dawning of the new year 2022 and the twilight of the present year 2021, we thank you God with a spirit of gratitude, not because we have not come this far without wounds, without brokenness, without unfathomable losses, and without infinite uncertainties, but because of your loving kindness and grace that has sustained us through dark nights, turbulent seas, bitter winters, and vociferous winds.

As we reflect upon our spiritual summons during this time of year commemorating the birth of Christ,

May our hope, our purpose, and our vision, be renewed and refreshed as we touch the lives of others with love and glad tidings of peace.

May our joy and our hope come alive again and become unquenchable as we inspire each other.

May we be gifted by the wonder, the majesty, and the bliss of excited expectation of new dreams and possibilities.

May our faith be reignited and set aflame by the breath of God.

May we be courageous enough to embrace the strength of our weakness, and humble enough to embrace the weakness of our strength.

May we be encouraged that God has never stopped watching over us and that each of us are on the heart and the mind of God.

May we continue to risk loving so deeply that we set the world aflame with infectious love, abiding compassion, overflowing joy, bountiful benevolence, and tidings of peace.

May such love help us to soar to new heights, greater depths, and infinite possibilities.

May we move forward in connecting with other’s hearts without reticence, fear, nor restraint.

May the flame of our hearts radiate brighter and brighter as one flame yields birth to another and another.

May we be renewed moment by moment and reaffirmed that we are loved, beautiful, gifted, resilient, and powerful.

May such an awareness catapult us to greater heights of inspiration, imagination, creativity, and possibilities.

May our wounds heal us, renew us, and birth us like the Phoenix that is birthed by the fire that consumes it.

May we remain committed to the journey of faith and the path of discovery as we give ourselves to inspire and be inspired, to touch and be touched and walk with those who look and hope for love, light, hope, and peace.

May our Christmas overflow with the presence of love, joy, hope, and peace.

May the New Year overflow with renewed blessings of hope, grace, rest, peace, goodness, and prosperity.

All these things we pray and ask.



Reverend Kevin A. Mason © 2020

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