Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Prayer of Peace & Renewal 2021

  Christmas Prayer of Peace & Renewal 2021

"O' God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come."

As we embrace the dawning of the new year 2022 and the twilight of the present year 2021, we thank you God with a spirit of gratitude, not because we have not come this far without wounds, without brokenness, without unfathomable losses, and without infinite uncertainties, but because of your loving kindness and grace that has sustained us through dark nights, turbulent seas, bitter winters, and vociferous winds.

As we reflect upon our spiritual summons during this time of year commemorating the birth of Christ,

May our hope, our purpose, and our vision, be renewed and refreshed as we touch the lives of others with love and glad tidings of peace.

May our joy and our hope come alive again and become unquenchable as we inspire each other.

May we be gifted by the wonder, the majesty, and the bliss of excited expectation of new dreams and possibilities.

May our faith be reignited and set aflame by the breath of God.

May we be courageous enough to embrace the strength of our weakness, and humble enough to embrace the weakness of our strength.

May we be encouraged that God has never stopped watching over us and that each of us are on the heart and the mind of God.

May we continue to risk loving so deeply that we set the world aflame with infectious love, abiding compassion, overflowing joy, bountiful benevolence, and tidings of peace.

May such love help us to soar to new heights, greater depths, and infinite possibilities.

May we move forward in connecting with other’s hearts without reticence, fear, nor restraint.

May the flame of our hearts radiate brighter and brighter as one flame yields birth to another and another.

May we be renewed moment by moment and reaffirmed that we are loved, beautiful, gifted, resilient, and powerful.

May such an awareness catapult us to greater heights of inspiration, imagination, creativity, and possibilities.

May our wounds heal us, renew us, and birth us like the Phoenix that is birthed by the fire that consumes it.

May we remain committed to the journey of faith and the path of discovery as we give ourselves to inspire and be inspired, to touch and be touched and walk with those who look and hope for love, light, hope, and peace.

May our Christmas overflow with the presence of love, joy, hope, and peace.

May the New Year overflow with renewed blessings of hope, grace, rest, peace, goodness, and prosperity.

All these things we pray and ask.



Reverend Kevin A. Mason © 2020

Be Blessed

© 2020
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K.Mason © 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas Prayer and Blessing 2020


Christmas Prayer and Blessing 2020

"O' God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come."

As we embrace the dawning of the new year 2021 and the twilight of the present year 2020, we thank you God with a spirit of gratitude, not because we have not come this far without wounds, without brokenness, without unfathomable losses, and without infinite uncertainties, but because of your loving kindness and grace that has sustained us through dark nights, turbulent seas, bitter winters, and vociferous winds.

As we reflect upon our spiritual summons during this time of year commemorating the birth of Christ,

May our hope, our purpose, and our vision, be renewed and refreshed as we touch the lives of others with love and glad tidings of peace.

May our joy and our hope come alive again and become unquenchable as we inspire each other.

May we be gifted by the wonder, the majesty, and the bliss of excited expectation of new dreams and possibilities.

May our faith be reignited and set aflame by the breath of God.

May we be courageous enough to embrace the strength of our weakness, and humble enough to embrace the weakness of our strength.

May we be encouraged that God has never stopped watching over us and that each of us are on the heart and the mind of God.

May we continue to risk loving so deeply that we set the world aflame with infectious love, abiding compassion, overflowing joy, bountiful benevolence, and tidings of peace.

May such love help us to soar to new heights, greater depths, and infinite possibilities.

May we move forward in connecting with other’s hearts without reticence, fear, nor restraint.

May the flame of our hearts radiate brighter and brighter as one flame yields birth to another and another.

May we be renewed moment by moment and reaffirmed that we are loved, beautiful, gifted, resilient, and powerful.

May such an awareness catapult us to greater heights of inspiration, imagination, creativity, and possibilities.

May our wounds heal us, renew us, and birth us like the Phoenix that is birthed by the fire that consumes it.

May we remain committed to the journey of faith and the path of discovery as we give ourselves to inspire and be inspired, to touch and be touched and walk with those who look and hope for love, light, hope, and peace.

May our Christmas overflow with the presence of love, joy, hope, and peace.

May the New Year overflow with renewed blessings of hope, grace, rest, peace, goodness, and prosperity.

All these things we pray and ask.



Reverend Kevin A. Mason © 2020

Be Blessed
K. Mason

© 2020
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K.Mason © 2020

Friday, December 22, 2017


May all that is peaceful,
May all that is illuminating,
May all that is sacred,
May all that is transcendent,
May all that is joyous,
Be yours this season and throughout the New Year!

Be Blessed
K. Mason
(c) 2017

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K.Mason (c) 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017



May the Abiding Spirit of Gratitude, the Bountiful Harvest of Grace, and the Profound Overflow of Appreciation for the Thanksgiving Season bless us as we reflect on the vastness of the Miracles of God and his splendid creation, God’s love for humanity, Jesus' sacrifice for each of us, and God’s Unfathomable Grace which blesses each of us beyond the depths of the human psyche, imagination, or soul! 

May your Thanksgiving overflow with a Cornucopia of PEACE, HOPE, JOY, FAITH, LOVE, and GRATITUDE as you gather together and render heartfelt reflection and thanksgiving for family, friends, LOVED ONES, those whom we cherish, and with every member of human race today and everyday! 

Blessings upon you always!  

Be Blessed
K. Mason
(c) 2017

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K.Mason (c) 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Autumn Prayer Reflection

Autumn Prayer Reflection

Autumn is a time for deep reflection, introspection, thanksgiving, stillness, and harvest.
As the leaves have begun to display their mellow and rich hues of amber, orange, red, and sienna, they seem to suggest to each of us that the innocence of the season of spring and the boldness of the season of summer have acquiesced themselves to mellowness and kindly wisdom of the ages.

As we reflect upon our journey against the backdrop of the earlier part of the year, we do so in the spirit of relief and anticipation, in the spirit of challenge and triumph, in the spirit of solemnity and joy, in the spirit of weariness and rest, in the spirit of inertia and change, in the spirit of incredible gains and necessary losses, in the spirit of astonishment and enlightenment, in the spirit of planting and harvest, in the spirit of struggle and surrender, in the spirit of transformation and transcendence, and with the reflective awareness of our finiteness and infiniteness all being informed by gentle, yet rich wisdom.

God, we render to unto you thanksgiving for the lives by which we have been impacted and we thank you for the lives that have intertwined with our own lives. We render unto you thanksgiving for the lives of those whom we are given responsibility to co-journey in service, healing, friendship, affirmation, empowerment, struggle, empowerment, truth, and transformation!

God, we thank you for the lives of your beloved and resilient children, who forge the spiritual journey with a banner of faith, love, joy, and trust all informed by an intrinsic understanding that we serve each other in a spirit of love with no judgment. We thank you that we serve each other celebrating our unfathomable faith and strengths with the belief that eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard of their uncharted and unlimited possibilities.

God, during this season of harvest, we thank you for an overflowing cornucopia of love and hope, compassion and persistence, empathy and competence, tenacity and vision, gentleness and care, mission and creativity, blessed by the service, wisdom, and presence of your beloved, gifted, and talented people who serve in a plethora of capacities from leaders to visionaries, from teachers to artists, from receptionists to direct care persons, from outreach persons to those persons who are in the helping and healing professions, from environmental services persons to persons in finance, and from administrative support staff to management, (and endless list) etc. We thank you for each of them dear Lord! We thank you for those who are named as well as those who are unnamed. We are blessed by each other’s gifts and offerings in service. We thank you that we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers and delight in and are humble by such a charge. We thank you for the opportunity to serve and to be transformed by having served.

We release, like fallen and ripened leaves into the Autumn winds, weights and burdens, misperceptions and deflated hopes, fears and doubts, worries and anxieties, hurts and wounds, and limitations and insufficiencies…shedding the aforementioned for a bountiful harvest of grace, patience, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, joy, mindfulness, kindness, rejuvenation, and a love that holds us in its grasp forever, while never letting us go.

God, we thank you for relationships, spiritual union, community, table fellowship, the unknown, and the opportunity to gather in a spirit of gratitude, thanksgiving, strength, camaraderie, celebration, humility, grace, and power. We render unto you these petitions, we pray. Yes, this is true, Let it be so, So be it, May it be so, Amen. Peace

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017
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K.Mason (c) 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017


An Intercessory Prayer

“O’ God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,”
Healer and Keeper of our souls, we come humbly, soberly, and joyously to Thy Throne of Grace to say, “Thank You Lord!”
We thank you Lord for the gift of today, the PRESENT, a PRESENT, A Gift, Many Gifts of Pre-Sent Moments!
We thank you Lord for the Sacrificial Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who took away the sin of the world!
We thank you Lord for the Comforter, The Holy Spirit, who maketh intercession for our groans and moans that we cannot and tremble to articulate!

We ask you, Gracious Lord, to heal our wounds, deep wounds, private wounds, nursed wounds, and unconscious wounds with your balm of love and your ointment of healing.
We pray, Heavenly Father, that you will calm our unspoken fears…fears that cause us to believe our lives will be perpetual winters that go from frost to frost, from sleet to sleet, from hail to hail, and from barren wastelands to barren wastelands, quietly wondering shall spring or summer ever visit us again?

We ask you Heavenly Father to remove the veneers that hinder us from being transparent with Thee and with others as well as ourselves!
We ask you, Father, God, to quiet those secret anxieties that take us hostage, that rape us of thy present joys, that imprison and hinder our capacity to earnestly love, that cause us to fight, to take flight, or to freeze in our actions to connect with others because fear has cohabitated with us and rented space in our psyche and despair has caused us to believe the our concerns have no merit in Thine eyes!

We petition Thee, Heavenly Father, to breathe upon us a fresh anointing as our hopes have been pillaged by the storms of life, while the winds of unpredictability and the proliferation of carnal agendas that have the form of Godliness, but lack the power therein, have scattered our remembrances of Thy glorious promises! Breathe on us Lord, because in quietude we have surrendered our inspiration and acquiesced our zeal as our dreams have been decimated by the fiery darts of the adversary and naysayers!

Lord, we pray for the brokenness and apathy in the world, the nation, the county, and our communities.
Gracious Lord, we pray that Your hand of healing would bless, heal, restore, and deliver those whom are sick, hungry, homeless, elderly, outcast, scorned, forgotten, unloved, overlooked, incarcerated, abused, exploited, abducted, bereaved, broken in spirit, those who are contemplating suicide as a way out, those who are in the clutches of all types of addictions (substances, sex, food, money, power, fame, and vain glory), and those who are overwhelmed by financial pressures. Lord, touch and heal men, women, and children in the Name of Jesus!

Lord, we pray for the pulling down of cloaked destructive and carnal strongholds in our Churches, Schools, Communities, and Nation. We pray for more charity in the world and the extinguishing of self-centeredness, apathy, and malignant narcissism. We pray that You, dear Lord, will convict and melt the hearts of those in positions of leadership helping them to remember that “Thy will be done!”

Grant us Lord the peace, knowledge, wisdom, and the blessed assurance that You are the Maker of Heaven and Earth and beside Thee, there is no other!
As we reflect upon and render thanks  for Your greatness, help us dear Lord to remember that
The air that we breathe is Your breath,
The light that shines every morning is Your banner and its rays, Your sword of truth!
The earthquakes that shake the foundation of the earth and the thunder that rolls are Thy voice that calls the world to remember that Thou art God!
That the Pleiades, the earth, the sky, and mighty oceans art thy glory!

"We thank you that you have made us like a signet on your finger and that you have chosen us."

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory wiith exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever"

These prayers we petition Thee in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus Christ we claim and pray! Amen!

Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017
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K.Mason (c) 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 
And The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." 
Genesis 1:2

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017
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K.Mason (c) 2017

A Voice of Inspiration: Celebrating The Artisitc Legacy of Minnie Riperton

Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Minnie Riperton
Minnie Riperton Montage

Minnie, a rare once in a lifetime voice with a vocal register kissed by the breath of GOD and the whisper of angels with a spirit who sang of  love and its beauty. We are inspired by the gift of your artistry. May you continue to sing in The Heavenly Choir of God!
“Loving you is easy, because you are beautiful.” 

Friday, April 14, 2017




Wounded For Me

It is only in HIS wounds that the risen Christ can be touched.

May The Lord bless and keep you ! Where there are two or more touching and agreeing in HIS name, God is in the midst working out HIS plan and manifesting HIS GLORY! 

May you be engulfed in HIS Presence and always remain assured of The Love of God that knows no depth, height, nor width! Jesus proved the depths of His love for each of on His walk to Golgatha! 
May HE anoint you and clear the path for you to do HIS Will! 
May The Lord charge HIS Angels to protect you from the attacks of the enemy Beloved of The Most High! 
May The Lord LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace as well as you and your loved ones now and forever! 



"He was despised and rejected by men; 
a man of sorrows,
and acquainted with grief."
Isaiah 53:3

"However long the night, the dawn will break."
African Proverb

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017
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K.Mason (c) 2017

Sunday, April 09, 2017



Passion is derived from the word that means “suffer.” As we reflect upon the significance of Palm Sunday during the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, we do so with excitement, praise, anticipation, and renewed hope. While our hearts and minds are catapulted into spheres of joy, praise, and pregnant expectation, they must also be tempered by imminence of the clandestine presence of suffering that resides within the corridors and shadows of praise, not for the purpose of suppressing our joy, but to remind us that where there is no cross, there is no crown.

While the masses gathered to welcome Jesus, many had no inherent idea what he was really about. Many had hoped that he was the Messiah, which in their minds meant a political leader, who would bring salvation from political and societal oppression and debauchery, and overthrow the Roman aristocracy. After all, Jesus had raised the dead and performed many miracles recorded and not recorded, thus, the populous assumed that Jesus would restore the kingdom of David and free them from Roman rule.

While there was veracity in the hopes, expectations, and dreams of the masses, many had misunderstood, fallen short of comprehending, and recklessly overlooked that the necessity of the fulfillment of The Passion of Jesus Christ of which Psalm Sunday was the precursor; i.e., suffering would still unfold before authentic praise would be perfected and fulfilled. For we know that “God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform” and the word of God reminds us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9.

In essence, the plan of God was operative on a higher plane not yet understood by the hearts of men and women. Regarding the manifestation of perfected praise, perfected praise is a profoundly deeply-rooted honor and reverence of thanksgiving that Believers lift up to God, who has saved and blessed them by his grace through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfected praise is also birthed by purification through the fire of trials where joy and peace are the Believers’ companion where hopelessness and despair should otherwise reside.  

Thus, while Believers, Witness Bearers of The Faith, must approach Palm Sunday with joy and shouting “Hosanna,” which means “save now,” we must also do so with a sober reverence to God because within “The Cup” that overflowed with praises bestowed upon Jesus, were bitter dregs of suffering of which Jesus was aware. In essence, while the focus of the masses was on the material world, the focus of Jesus was on a mission of a higher call and vastly more enormous than one place and one time, for it was a mission that would transform all that was, all that is, and all that shall be! Glory to God in The Highest!!! God is the Alpha and the Omega and within the Passion of Jesus, “the Beginning and the End” were reconciling themselves that the excellency of Christ would be made manifest!

Importantly and ironically, the masses who shouted Hosanna during the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, were comprised of the same masses who displayed the fickleness of the human heart just a few days later in their angry and insulting vulgarities and chants requests to Pilate to “Crucify Him!” This dynamic causes the Believer to keep ever present the question that Jesus proposed when he stated, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36. Place not your hope and faith in accolades of men and women, but God Almighty Beloved of God! An important point to mention here to us as believers is that we must resist the temptation to place God in a box as well! The Lord is doing a new thing!!! Just as Jesus was not finished with the plan of God during his triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, God is not finished with you yet nor his plans for your life Beloved of God! Keep the Faith and continue to press forward to the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ!

While our eyes are fixed on Easter morning and the joyous outpouring of grace and gratitude that was is manifested through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us not forget the rough and rocky precipice that Jesus took and that we must take to get there. Christian Lyric Writer, Jennie E. Hussey, echoed these sentiments in a hymn that she penned in 1921, “Lead Me To Calvary.”

Lead Me To Calvary

        King of my life, I crown Thee now,
        Thine shall the glory be;
        Lest I forget Thy thorn-crowned brow,
        Lead me to Calvary.

Lest I forget Gethsemane,
Lest I forget Thine agony;
Lest I forget Thy love for me,
Lead me to Calvary.

Show me the tomb where Thou wast laid,
Tenderly mourned and wept;
Angels in robes of light arrayed
Guarded Thee whilst Thou slept.

Let me like Mary, through the gloom,
Come with a gift to Thee;
Show to me now the empty tomb,
Lead me to Calvary.

May I be willing, Lord, to bear
Daily my cross for Thee;
Even Thy cup of grief to share,
Thou hast borne all for me.

Be Blessed
Reverend K. Mason

(c) 2017
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K.Mason (c) 2017

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Happy New Year

As we embrace the dawning of the New Year 2016 and the twilight of the Present Year 2017,

May we thank the Lord for another chapter in our lives,

May we live each page with renewed hope, purpose, vision, and meaning as we touch the lives of other inspiring them to new heights of discovery and enlightenment,

May we live each day anew with joyful hope and unquenchable inspiration,

May we be gifted by the wonder, majesty, and the bliss of excited expectation for dreams to be fulfilled in the plan of God...through many dangers, toils, and snares our Heavenly Father has watched over us,

May we greet others with a banner of peace, songs of joy, and greetings of glad tidings of The Good News of Mercy, Grace, Love, and Faith,

May our faith be re-ignited and set a flame by The Holy Spirit and Sacred Breath of a loving and merciful God,

May we be enraptured by the safety and embraced by the infinite love of God...a love that will never let us go,

May we be courageous enough to embrace the strength of our weakness,
and humble enough to embrace the weakness of our strength,

May we be encouraged by the assurance that we are on the heart and the mind of God,

May we love so deeply that we risk to set the world aflame with love, joy, compassion, benevolence, peace, and Godly inspiration,

May the Love of God soar us to new heights, greater depths, and infinite possibilities not yet fathomed, Beloved of The Most High,

May we trust God without restraint, reticence, nor reluctance, and for doing so remain buoyant on his everlasting promises,

May the lantern of our hearts burn passionately and brightly
that others will see its light, be inspired, and be drawn to into The Community of God's Love, Grace, and Mercy,

May we be renewed, re-enlightened, and re-affirmed that we are
beautiful and gifted, loved and cherished,
and powerful and resilient because of Christ who resides within each of us,

May we be catapulted to greater heights of imagination, inspiration, potential, and creativity,

May we remain committed to the Journey of Faith and give ourselves to inspire, touch, and lift-up those who are broken, outcast, wounded, rejected, and forgotten with humble awareness, but for the grace of God,

May the New Year overflow in grace, prosperity, goodness,
 joy, love, and peace in our service to God,

May The Lord open and expand new doors in all dimensions of our lives
right now, during this season, and throughout the year to come!

You Are Loved,

Blessings For A Wonderful New Year

Be Blessed
Reverend Kevin Mason
(c) 2016
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